Operating Licences

If you want to open a gambling business then, in most cases, you’ll need to apply for an Operating Licence from the Gambling Commission.

The licence will specify the type of gambling activity you can undertake including whether it is remote, such as an online bookmakers, or non-remote like a casino. It will also detail other restrictions such as the number of venues you can operate.

You’ll need an operating licence to sell your services to UK customers, even if your business is located overseas. Wherever you’re based, the application process is stringent.

The Gambling Commission will seek detailed information about every aspect of your business including the background of anyone who may have an influence on it including investors. A business plan for the first year of trading will also be required.

The application is often only the first step in the process and it is common for follow up questions to be posed to applicants making new applications.

As one of the largest specialist gaming solicitors in the UK, we can take the stress out of the entire application process and give your case the best possible chance of success.


Gambling Commission

Are an independent non-departmental public body (NDPB) sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS). The Gambling Commission was setup under the Gambling Act 2005 to regulate commercial gambling in Great Britain in partnership with licensing authorities.

Operating Licence

A Licence issued under part 5 of the Gambling Act 2005 by the Gambling Commission permitting the holder to carry on specified gaming or betting activities.

Remote Gaming

Is defined by the Gambling Act 2005 as gambling in which persons participate by the use of remote communication including:

  • the internet
  • telephone
  • television
  • radio
  • any other kind of electronic or other technology for facilitating communication.