England & Wales

09 Jan 2015

Supreme Court to take another look at 'Hemmings'

On Tuesday 13th January the Supreme Court will hearing further representations regarding the matter of R (on the application of Hemming (t/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) and others) v Westminster City Council. We first reported on this case, which has po...

09 Jan 2015

Summary Review - Premises 'Associated'

The High Court have today issued an interesting Judgment concerning the mechanics of Summary Reviews. Again, the issue of interim steps and their longevity has escaped close scrutiny. On this occasion the issue of the requisite Police certificate ...

06 Jan 2015

Personal Licence renewal form - now in force

The regulations for interim personal licence renewal arrangements have now officially come into force. Accordingly, the new personal licence renewal application form can be used going forward and an MS Word copy of the application is available fro...

19 Dec 2014

Gambling: Gambling Commission to Appeal Greene King Decision?

Earlier this month we reported that Greene King had been successful in their appeal against the refusal by the Gambling Commission for an Operating Licence to authorise Bingo and consequently higher jackpot Gaming Machines (see 'Greene King Rule t...

16 Dec 2014

Personal licences renewal arrangements - progress?

The regulations for the interim personal licences renewal arrangements were laid in Parliament yesterday.  Subject to them being approved by Parliament, they will come into force on 5 January 2015, which means that the new application form fo...

10 Dec 2014

Allergen alert changes - just 3 days to go!

With just 3 days to go until the new allergen alert regulations come into force (see 'Allergen alert! An important reminder and update') it is being widely reported today that: Only one third of F&B managers are ready and prepared for the cha...