
29 Jan 2024

Disposable vapes to be banned

In forming part of the Government’s plans to control the rising numbers of young people vaping, the Government has announced an intention to ban disposable vapes and bring forward additional measures to prevent vapes (non-disposable) being m...

05 Dec 2023

Updates to Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974

You will no doubt be aware that all personal licence applicants must disclose any unspent relevant convictions on their application paperwork and the Police may object to such application if they feel the granting of the licence would undermine th...

27 Nov 2023

Government consult on Euro 2024 extension for semi-finals and final if.......

The Government has today published a consultation on extending licensing hours for the semi final and final of Euro 24 if England Wales or Scotland football teams are playing in those matches. The consultation was published today 27Th November an...

16 Nov 2023

Temporary Event Notices for the Christmas period

If your premises is looking to capitalize on the festive cheer and expand it's offer to customers, and your Premises Licence does not contain a seasonal variation that meets your business needs or alternatively your Premises Licence does not have ...

07 Sep 2023

Government Consultation - Licensing of non-surgical cosmetic procedures

The Government has launched a consultation in respect of licensing certain non-surgical cosmetic procedures in England. Under the proposed scheme, both practitioners and the premises from which they operate would need to be licensed for specific ...

23 Jun 2023

Drug testing facilities at festivals

For several years a number of large Summer music festivals have provided back-of-house facilities to test drugs circulating on-site. This has been seen as an important safety issue, especially when extremely potent substances can be mixed into pro...