England & Wales

13 Jun 2014

Late Night Levy - City of London

The City of London have now confirmed the detail of how the Late Night Levy will operate going forward. The levy which will apply to all licensed premises which sell alcohol between midnight and 6am including on New Years Eve will be implemented ...

12 Jun 2014

Powers of Entry Code to be introduced this year

It has been announced by the Government that they will introduce the Powers of Entry Code 'this year'. The Powers of Entry Draft Code of Practice consultation was published on 22 January 2013 and was then subject to a consultation albeit no imple...

14 Feb 2014

Another EMRO not to proceed - this time West Lancashire

News reaches us of another possible EMRO that is not to proceed. West Lancashire Council had previously decided to launch a formal consultation on the adoption of an EMRO.  However reports now indicate the council has decided not to pursue t...

07 Feb 2014

Draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2014 published

On 5 February 2014 we confirmed that the Government had published its guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT for England and Wales. By way of update, the draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) O...

30 Jan 2014

Birmingham - ban of super-strength alcohol?

Following on from the campaign launched by Partners in Suffolk to stop the sale of super-strength alcohol from off-licences in Ipswich in September 2012 (at which time off-licence owners were asked to remove those products from their stores), Birm...

20 Dec 2013

Gambling Update - Health Survey for England 2012

Further to our earlier news article (click here) following the release by the Gambling Commission of the 'Health Survey for England (2012)' we would highlight the following points from the report which may be of interest: The sample size of 8,291...