England & Wales
Business Improvement Districts - and the Late Night Levy
As part of the town centre announcement in December 2013, a commitment was made by Department for Communities and Local Government for a review of Business Improvement Districts (BIDs). The review was undertaken during the spring and summer 2014 i...
JDW innovative LNL approach 'rejected' in Newcastle
Following recent success in Nottingham (see "JDW innovative LNL approach 'approved'"), the Newcastle Licensing Committee have rejected the innovative approach adopted by JD Wetherspoons (JDW) where a Late Night Levy (LNL) is about to come in...
Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 - Update
Further to our article on 22 July 2014 (‘Reform of anti-social behaviour powers - statutory guidance issued’), the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 continues to be implemented and this week sees two key provisions com...
Legislative Reform (Entertainment Licensing) Order 2014 - on course for spring 2015
The Legislative Reform (Entertainment Licensing) Order 2014 is still on course to be implemented next year (likely 6 April 2015) after the House of Commons Regulatory Reform Committee recommended that the draft Order be subject to the affirmative ...
Updated section 182 Guidance - further update
Further to yesterday's news that new section 182 Guidance had been issued we took up with the Home Office the availability or otherwise of a 'tracked changes' version. This is not available - but they have sent through the following helpful resum...
Scunthorpe - Next to try for an EMRO? Apparently not!
It has been reported that North Lincolnshire Council was looking at possible proposals to introduce an Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO) which, if successful, would have affected premises trading beyond 3.00 or 4.00am. We have now been ...
Southampton Late Night Levy - gets full council approval
The decision to adopt the Late Night Levy came before the full Council yesterday. This decision has been approved by the Councillors and impacts upon premises authorised for the sale of alcohol between 00:01 and 06:00. The Levy charges will range...