England & Wales
Guidance on the licensing of late night refreshment
The Home Office has today issued guidance on the licensing of late night refreshment to reflect forthcoming changes to the Licensing Act 2003 made by the Deregulation Act 2015. As a reminder, the changes will allow Licensing Authorities to exempt ...
Liverpool to Consult on Late Night Levy from Today!
Liverpool City Council today launched a consultation on the possible introduction of a Late Night Levy. All responses to the consultation must be submitted by 20th November 2015. The consultation can be undertaken on line the link to which c...
Employment - and illegal immigrants - update
Last month we reported that the Government’s new Immigration Bill included a range of new powers including measures to deal more effectively with businesses offering employment to those here illegally. On the 17th September the Bill receive...
Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - next stop Chester?
We have previously commented on the recent trend for the use of breathalysers on persons seeking entry to licensed premises, particularly in the evening; see our article 'Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - a cause for concern?' News of their...
Beverley - Late Night Levy
The East Riding of Yorkshire Council is considering introducing a "Late Night Levy". In a report, which is to be considered by the Council's Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee, if the late-night supply period runs ...
Shop opening hours including Sunday trading - parliamentary brief
The House of Commons Library has just published a briefing note, the aim of which is to look in detail at permissible shop opening hours. In the process, it also summarises the background to the Sunday Trading Act 1994 and the Christmas Day (Trad...
Weymouth and Portland EMRO? Not now!
At the full Licensing Committee of Weymouth and Portland Council held on the 9 July, Councillors rejected proposals to consult upon the implementation of an EMRO in their district citing a lack of evidence to support the proposition. Dorset Polic...