Premises Licence

17 Jun 2014

Scotland - 125ml Wine Measure

Further to our news item on 28th January, 2014 (link) – it is being reported that the number of premises now offering the smaller 125ml wine measure has almost doubled.  Special posters and tent cards to promote the availability of the ...

12 Jun 2014

Powers of Entry Code to be introduced this year

It has been announced by the Government that they will introduce the Powers of Entry Code 'this year'. The Powers of Entry Draft Code of Practice consultation was published on 22 January 2013 and was then subject to a consultation albeit no imple...

11 Jun 2014

PASS Card Goes Live

Further to our news article of 7 May 2014, we confirm that PASS was re-launched on the 10 June with the new standardised PASS card. The new scheme is supported by the Home Office, Trading Standards Institute, Security Industry Authority and ACPO. ...

07 Feb 2014

Draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2014 published

On 5 February 2014 we confirmed that the Government had published its guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT for England and Wales. By way of update, the draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) O...

30 Oct 2013

Scotland - Paisley licence suspension overturned

The suspension of a Premises Licence by the Renfrewshire Licensing Board for a “corrective purpose” has been overturned by the Paisley Sheriff Court. In the case in question, Nelson v Renfrewshire Licensing Board, the Designated Premi...