Premises Licence
JDW - Newcastle LNL 'success'
Readers may recall the Wetherspoon ‘wheeze' where they apply to add a condition to their licence for premises which would otherwise be affected and caught by a Late Night Levy. The condition applied for removes the authorisation to sell alc...
New Criminal Court Charges
On the 19th March the Government laid a commencement Order in Parliament enacting several sections of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, including provisions relating to 'Criminal Court Charges'. With effect from the 16th April adults plea...
New s.182 Guidance Published 2015
On Friday the Home Office published the latest edition of the s.182 guidance (‘the Guidance’). The Guidance reflects a number of upcoming changes to the law in relation to Regulated Entertainment which take effect on the 6t...
Regulated Entertainments - Update
As we have earlier reported, on the 6th April further changes to what constitutes regulated entertainment will come into force, following the revisions coming into force on the 6th April a licence may be required by anyone who: provides any...
Supreme Court to take another look at 'Hemmings'
On Tuesday 13th January the Supreme Court will hearing further representations regarding the matter of R (on the application of Hemming (t/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) and others) v Westminster City Council. We first reported on this case, which has po...
Summary Review - Premises 'Associated'
The High Court have today issued an interesting Judgment concerning the mechanics of Summary Reviews. Again, the issue of interim steps and their longevity has escaped close scrutiny. On this occasion the issue of the requisite Police certificate ...