Premises Licence
Gambling - Deadline for Gaming Machine Consultation Approaches
Further to our article of 30th November regarding the launch of a consultation by the Gambling Commission regarding the citing of gaming machines, we wish to remind readers that the closing date for representations is 22nd February 2016. Initiall...
Scotland – Minimum Unit Pricing European Ruling
In September 2015, we reported on the Advocate General’s initial opinion on the legality of the introduction of a Minimum Unit Price (MUP) for alcohol in Scotland. In brief, the Advocate General confirmed that MUP risked infringing the prin...
Scotland - Edinburgh Board lodging dates 2016
It has just been confirmed that the last lodging dates for the upcoming Edinburgh Licensing Boards are as follows: Board Dates Lodging Date 14th March 2016 18th January 2016 25th April 2016 29th February 2016 30th May 2016 4th April ...
Prohibition of Tobacco Displays in Shops - the Law
This is for those interested in the law in this area and where (apart from in specialist tobacconists) any tobacco display is prohibited - and how the law has been developed in recent times. A Parliamentary Briefing paper has just been published ...
National Pubwatch Conference 2016 - to be held in Sheffield!
The 13th National Pubwatch Conference will held be on Tuesday 23rd February 2016 at the Mecure Hotel locally here in Sheffield. This is usually a well worth attending and a value for money event for Pubwatch members and other stakeholders who hav...
Breaking news - Camden affirm Levy
Following on from a lengthly consultation the London Borough Of Camden Licensing Sub Committee tonight voted to adopt the Late Night Levy for premises which operate between 12 midnight and 6am. The Levy will operate with limited exemptions. As a ...
Costs ordered against Licensing Authority
We have previously reported on the application to vary the premises licence for Elements & Play Nightclub in Bedford which has been ongoing for some time. We now have, thanks to the IOL, the latest instalment relating to the application b...