House of Lords Committee - Music Industry have their say

07 Dec

The House of Lords Committee considering the Licensing Act 2003, to whom John Gaunt & Partners have previously given evidence, on Tuesday they heard evidence from leading figures in the UK Music scene:

  • Paul Latham, Chair, UK Live Music Group
  • Mark Davyd, Founder & CEO, Music Venue Trust
  • Alex Mann, Regional Official, Live Performance, Musicians' Unio

During their evidence the wider positive impact upon local communities of music venues was described.  One proposition given by those providing evidence to the Committee was a change in the law which would require Licensing Committees to take into account the positive cultural benefits to the community when they make decisions about the awarding (and stripping) of music licences.

The Committee’s report will not be delivered until the New Year and we will have to wait and see what recommendations are included and further whether the Government chooses to take up any of the same.

We shall keep you updated.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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