Latest News

03 Mar 2022

Looking into the Corbin & King’s insurance ruling

Corbin & King were successful in their recent business interruption insurance case and the Judgement from the high Court has been released. In the lengthy judgment handed down by the High Court, restaurant operators Corbin & King secured ...

28 Feb 2022

Online Sales Tax: Policy Consultation

On Friday 25 February 2022, the Government published an early-stage consultation in order to explore the arguments for and against an Online Sales Tax. This follows concerns reported by businesses of a potential tax imbalance between in-store...

24 Feb 2022

Arbitration on rent debt relief for businesses affected by coronavirus

The Government has released a draft of the guidance for arbitrators on the exercise of their functions under Part 2 of the Commercial Rent (Coronavirus) Bill. The Government has emphasised that the draft is incomplete and is being published for th...

22 Feb 2022

What is Competitive Socialising?

In short, Competitive Socialising is basically engaging in playing games and activities, whilst socialising with family, friends, and colleagues over food and drink. Depending on the personalities of the participants, the level of competitiveness ...

21 Feb 2022

Increased activity in test purchasing

After a period of apparent inactivity, we are starting to receive reports of enforcement activity around test purchasing for under age sales of alcohol. It is perhaps understandable that since the onset of COVID in 2020 we have not heard of much ...

21 Feb 2022

Drink Spiking to be made a criminal offence

Individuals who spike someone’s drink could face criminal charges, in a move made by Home Secretary Priti Patel who has vowed to crack down on the practice. The Homes Secretary has been reported to be ready to introduce legislation to target...