Latest News

03 May 2022

Nottingham to Consult on Revocation of Late Night Levy

Nottingham City Council’s Licensing Committee are due to meet on Friday (6th May).  Included in the published agenda is a review of the City’s Late-Night Levy Scheme (LNL). The recommendation within the report is: “That th...

27 Apr 2022

Drink Spiking | House of Commons Committee Report

On Tuesday (26th April) the House of Commons Home Affairs Committee published their report on ‘Spiking’, which can be found here in full. The report includes a number of conclusions and recommendations following evidence from a number...

27 Apr 2022

Covid-19 and UK nightlife report released

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for the Night Time Economy has published its report, entitled Covid-19 and UK nightlife, which looks at the impact of the pandemic and government support for businesses in the night time economy. The call ...

25 Apr 2022

Jubilee extension confirmed

Further to previous news items: 'Licensing Hours Extended for Queen's Platinum Jubilee' it has now been confirmed the hours for sale of alcohol for the Queens Jubilee celebration will be extended in England and Wales to 1am on Thursday 2nd Ju...

20 Apr 2022

Fake reviews to be made illegal

The government has announced it will be granting the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), enhanced powers to combat fake reviews by making it illegal to pay someone to write or host a fake review. These new measures will come into effect follo...

14 Apr 2022

Drugs Associated with Spiking Reclassified

On 13th April the Home Secretary, Priti Patel, announced the reclassification of three drugs associated drinks ‘spiking’ meaning greater sentences for those found to be in possession of the drug as well as those with connections to its...