Scotland - To Reduce Drink-Drive Limit

08 Jul

The issue of the drink-drive limit in Scotland appears to be back on the agenda. We first reported on this in September in our article 'Scotland - Drink driving limit consultation published'. The Scottish Government are hoping to introduce a bill affecting the change some time in August 2014. The proposals are to reduce the drink- drive limit, whereby potentially, a glass of wine or a pint could put you over the legal driving limit in Scotland.

To recap, the legal limit for driving in Scotland is currently 80mg of alcohol in the bloodstream per 100ml, but the Scottish Government are looking to reduce this to 50mg. This bill would then bring Scotland into line with Germany, France and Spain. Whereas the limit in England will still be 80mg of alcohol in the bloodstream per 100ml.

We will keep you informed.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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