Regulated Entertainments - Update

30 Mar

As we have earlier reported, on the 6th April further changes to what constitutes regulated entertainment will come into force,  following the revisions coming into force on the 6th April a licence may be required by anyone who:

  • provides any entertainment between 11PM and 8AM;
  • provides amplified live,  recorded music, play or performance of dance to an audience of more than 500 people;
  • provides recorded music to an audience on premises not licensed for the sale or supply of alcohol;
  • puts on a performance of a play or a dance to an audience of more than 500 people, or an indoor sporting event to more than 1,000 spectators
  • puts on boxing or wrestling
  • screens a film to an audience (subject to exemptions)

Should you have queries on how this may impact on your business, please give one of our solicitors a call.



Law correct at the date of publication.
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