Leeds - Late Night Levy
Following recent news reports that Leeds City Council are planning to introduce a Late Night Levy, we confirm that on Tuesday 23 July 2013 a meeting of the Licensing Committee was convened to consider the report of the Head of Licensing and Regist...
Breaking News - Government Propose Further Licensing Changes
In a ministerial statement to the House of Commons the Government Minister Jeremy Browne has set out its position on minimum pricing but also took the opportunity of mentioning other measures which will be implemented and those that are under cons...
Do interim steps continue pending an appeal - a solution at last?
It has been freshly reported that the case of R (o.a.o. 93 Feet East Ltd) v Tower Hamlets LBC may have once and for all resolved the issue of whether interim steps imposed on a summary review remain in force pending an appeal. It seems, however, t...
Bournemouth - Early Morning Restriction Order and Late Night Levy declined
Bournemouth Borough Council has confirmed that it “will be taking no further action with regard to Early Morning Restriction Orders or the Late Night Levy proposals at the present time” instead putting an emphasis on working in close p...
Monmouthshire - EMRO and Late Night Levy rejected
On the 9th July Monmouthshire’s Licensing Committee considered the imposition of a Late Night Levy and / or EMRO. Both propositions were rejected following recommendations from the Authority’s Officers. In reports submitted to t...
Police Appeal Sutton Review Decision
Further to our previous article in which we highlighted a recent decision of the Sutton Licensing sub-committee ('Police 'castigated' for unbalanced evidence on a review') the police have lodged an appeal against the decision and findings of ...