
16 Oct 2013

Warrington - EMRO consultation rejected

  Last night Warrington's Licensing Committee considered a motion to commence a consultation in respect of EMRO within an area covered by the Borough Council. The Licensing Committee unanimously voted against entering into a consultation and...

09 Oct 2013

Newcastle Late Night Levy - Best Practice Scheme

As previously advised, the Newcastle City Council Late Night Levy is due to come into force 1 November 2013. The Council has now announced details of the previously suggested ‘Best Practice Scheme’, now launched, which initially will ...

02 Oct 2013

Lambeth Policy consultation shortly to expire!

We do not generally news licensing policy consultations but that for Lambeth is imminently to expire - 7 October 2013. Some fairly draconian measures are under consideration.  According to their website these include: requirements ...

10 Sep 2013

Chesterfield not pursuing an EMRO - just yet

Following preliminary discussions with the Council, Chesterfield have decided that they are not going to pursue an EMRO at this time. During the pre-consultation phase there was not enough support to take it any further. They have not ruled it o...

06 Sep 2013

'Tinseltown' to the fore!

The significance and impact of the Tinseltown (Tinseltown NW3 LTD v LB Camden) and Mu Mu (Mu Mu Enterprises v North Somerset DC) decisions appears to continue unabated, highlighting the importance of scrupulous attention to full and proper complia...

05 Sep 2013

Minimum pricing - 'voluntary' in Newcastle?

Minimum pricing….always a controversial subject. The Scottish Government seems intent on pursuing its implementation whereas the British Government seems to have shelved the idea because of the difficulties perceived in pursuing it, not lea...