
11 Feb 2014

Lancet Report - Minimum Unit Pricing - "will save UK lives"

As the Appeal into minimum pricing enters its second week in Scotland a report published in the Lancet has stated that setting a minimum alcohol price of 45 pence a unit in Britain would cut deaths and hospital time among heavy drinkers - i.e. the...

11 Feb 2014

Irresponsible Drinking Promotions - 'NekNominate'

This weekend saw the death of a 20 year old, who died after downing a lethal concoction of whisky, vodka, wine and lager.  This was coupled with a second British death linked to the craze which has been termed ‘NekNominate’ when a...

10 Feb 2014

Breaking news - Blackpool 'reject' the adoption of an EMRO!

Blackpool Licensing Committee has just released their determination on the application for an EMRO, which hearing took place over 4 days last week. The Licensing Committee has unanimously resolved to recommend to the full council that the EMRO sh...

07 Feb 2014

Draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2014 published

On 5 February 2014 we confirmed that the Government had published its guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT for England and Wales. By way of update, the draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) O...

05 Feb 2014

Banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT - guidance issued

The Government has today published its guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT for England and Wales. The relevant guidance document can be found here: 'Guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty...

05 Feb 2014

Scotland - Minimum Unit Pricing - Back in the Court of Session

The Court of Session in Edinburgh yesterday commenced hearing the appeal from the Scotch Whisky Association over the Scottish Government’s plans to introduce a minimum price of 50p a unit. The Appeal, which is due to take eight days, follow...