Government signals intention to secure tourism sector deal
At a meeting of the Government’s Tourism Industry Council this week the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Jeremy Wright, confirmed the Government will begin negotiations with the sector on an ‘ambitious’ I...
Westminster - Hoteliers to pay for affordable homes
As reported by Property Week and the Caterer, Westminster are currently consulting on a new City plan for 2019 – 2040 which includes proposals effecting developers in London’s Central Activities Zone (CAZ). The majority of the Westmins...
Premises Licence Holders! Checking your Annual Fee Invoice could save you Money!
Many Premises Licence Holders have recently been receiving their invoices to pay their annual fees from their Licensing Authorities. You should carefully check the request, as many of our clients have found the annual fee multiplier applied to th...
Breaking news : Airside alcohol licensing at international airports in England and Wales: call for evidence
The Home Office has today launched a consultation which will run until 1 February 2019 into the possible restriction on 24 drinking airside at airports in England and Wales only, something previously mooted. The aim of this call for evidence is t...
Marriage / civil ceremony licences – proposed changes
In England & Wales, premises are able to obtain a licence from the Local Authority allowing them to hold marriages and civil ceremonies. Currently, premises for the purposes of these licences “means a permanently immovable structure com...
Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing statistics 2018
The Home Office has just published statistics relating to alcohol and late night refreshment licensing in England and Wales – something it has done on an annual basis (other than years ending 31 March 2011 and 31 March 2015) for some time. ...