
29 Apr 2019

National Pubwatch – ‘Pubwatch Awards 2019’ launched

The National Pubwatch Awards were established to encourage and recognise the work of local Pubwatch schemes throughout the United Kingdom and their efforts to provide safe drinking environments for customers and staff. The 2019 Awards have just be...

29 Apr 2019

CSE - Home Office publish 'disruption toolkit'

CSE (Child Sex Exploitation) or the possibility of such is or can be a challenging area for the hospitality sector. We have been raising awareness of possible issues surrounding this for some time now and it is clear that it is an area attracting ...

24 Apr 2019

Scotland - Consultation on Occasional Licences

Yesterday, the Scottish Government launched a consultation on occasional licences in order to seek views on the two following potential changes to the system: to raise the application fee from £10 to £50, £75 or £100, alth...

18 Apr 2019

Cumulative Impact Assessments - briefing paper

For those interested, a newly issued House of Commons Library briefing paper gives an overview of alcohol licensing and cumulative impact assessments in England and Wales. The briefing paper can be found here 'Alcohol licensing: cumulative impact...

26 Mar 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019

In September the home nations will be competing in the Rugby World Cup in Japan. England Ireland Scotland Wales Vs. Tonga Sunday 22/9/19 Kick off 11:15am Vs. Scotland Sunday 22/9/19 Kick off 8:45am Vs. Ireland Sunday 22/9/19 Kick off...

22 Mar 2019

“We Love Hackney” secure permission to pursue Judicial Review of Hackney Borough Council Licensing Policy

We previously reported on the residents group “We Love Hackney” and their challenge to Hackney Councils new Licensing rules introduced last year. This week, a High Court Judge granted permission for the group to pursue a Judicial Revi...