
02 Aug 2019

Greater Manchester Night Time Economy Blueprint issued

Greater Manchester’s Night Time Economy Adviser has recently issued the Greater Manchester Night Time Economy Blueprint focusing on the night time economy period between the hours of 6pm and 6am. The report looks at “a series of prior...

19 Jul 2019

Southwark - Unanimously approve introduction of Late Night Levy

We have previously reported on the progress of a proposed Southwark Late Night Levy Scheme (Levy).  On Wednesday evening (17th July), at a full Council Assembly, Southwark councillors unanimously approved the introduction of a Levy in respect...

10 Jul 2019

Successful application in new City of York 'red zone'

City of York Council has included a Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) within its Licensing Policy since 2005. Following statutory changes to CIAs last year the Council reviewed its policy further and recently introduced a new ‘red zone’ are...

26 Jun 2019

Southwark Late Night Levy - Another step closer

At a meeting of the Southwark Licensing Committee on Tuesday 25th June,  it was  resolved to recommend to next month's council assembly meeting that a Late Night Levy be introduced from September this year. As we have previously reporte...

20 Jun 2019

“Smart?” water; Sheffield Licensed Premises get Smartwater Scheme funding from Sheffield BID.

Twenty-Five  Licensed venues  across Sheffield have engaged in a new scheme funded by Sheffield BID (Business Improvement District).  Staff at the venues have received training in the use of Smartwater, each batch with its own DNA-...

20 Jun 2019

Rugby World Cup 2019 - Reminder

In March we highlighted the potential need for TENs in respect of the upcoming Rugby World Cup in Japan. With many home nation games kicking off before 10am, UK time, many pubs may need to utilise a TEN in order to allow them to serve alcoholic r...