Scotland - Edinburgh Consult on New Policy and Overprovision
Edinburgh have now commenced a public consultation regarding their new Statement of Licensing Policy which will run from November 2018 to 2022, when it will be required to be reviewed again under the terms of the current legislation. As well...
Drinkaware Advice For Freshers Week
The BII is alerting to advice issued by Drinkaware for pub and bar operators on how to ensure a safe and enjoyable Freshers’ Week. September will see thousands of students enjoying the ‘freedom’ of their first week at universiti...
Scotland - Glasgow propose 4am terminal hour
Glasgow have begun consultation on their latest Statement of Licensing Policy . Following extended hours being permitted by the Board during August to coincide with the European Championships, co-hosted in the city, Glasgow are proposing an ...
Licensing Consultation Survey now open: Brighton and Hove City Council
Certainly of interest to our clients in the Sussex area, and particularly anyone seeking to consider Licensed premises in Brighton and Hove. The Consultation Survey is currently open with the Licensing Department and is to gather informatio...
Royal Assent for Minimum Unit Pricing in Wales
The Public Health (Minimum Price for Alcohol) (Wales) Act 2018 has now received Royal Assent following the approval of the Bill by the National Assembly for Wales in June. The Welsh Government have said there will be a consultation com...
Scotland – Personal Licence Renewals update
The Scottish Government has just issued the ‘The Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 – Personal Licence Holder Communications Document’. In brief, this is a communications document relating to personal licence holders and the requireme...
More Affordable Justice?? Court Fees for Lodging Licensing Appeals greatly reduced
On the 25th July 2018, The Court of Protection, Civil Proceedings and Magistrates Courts Fees ( Amendment ) Order 2018 came into force. This has now greatly reduced the fees payable to the Court for lodging a Licensing Appeal. Previou...