Hartlepool Borough Council - Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO)
It has emerged that Hartlepool Borough Council is considering the introduction of an Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order (EMRO) In this instance they are consulting upon restricting sales of alcohol beyond 02.00 in the Town Centre a...
New Age Restricted Code of Practice
The Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) has published a new Age Restricted Products Code of Practice designed to strengthen the protection of young people and reduce red tape for responsible businesses that sell age restric...
'Public health and alcohol licensing in England' - briefing published
Public health will become the responsibility of local government when it transfers from the NHS to local authorities in April 2013. The Local Government Association along with Alcohol Research UK has produced a briefing document for councillors...
Going, going, gone?
In late 2011 the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) launched a consultation proposing sweeping deregulation of most entertainments that are currently regulated by the Licensing Act 2003. Yesterday, the DCMS issued their response to th...