Bournemouth - Early Morning Restriction Order and Late Night Levy declined
Bournemouth Borough Council has confirmed that it “will be taking no further action with regard to Early Morning Restriction Orders or the Late Night Levy proposals at the present time” instead putting an emphasis on working in close p...
Police Appeal Sutton Review Decision
Further to our previous article in which we highlighted a recent decision of the Sutton Licensing sub-committee ('Police 'castigated' for unbalanced evidence on a review') the police have lodged an appeal against the decision and findings of ...
Disclosure Scotland - new criminal records check application forms issued
Disclosure Scotland (an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government) is responsible for processing and issuing criminal records checks which are used in support of personal licence applications in England and Wales. As a word of warning, their &l...
Newcastle First to Adopt Late Night Levy
A meeting of Newcastle's full Council last night rubber stamped the introduction of the first Late Night Levy in the England and Wales. The Levy, expected to be implemented before November will affect premises open between midnight and 6am across...
Licensing Act 2003 - amended Guidance issued today
1) Licensing Act 2003 (Descriptions of Entertainment) (Amendment) Order 2013 – amendments to Chapter 15 With the coming into effect of the Licensing Act 2003 (Descriptions of Entertainment) (Amendment) Order 2013 (as summarised by our previ...
Police 'castigated' for unbalanced evidence on a review
For those of us who regularly appear in review proceedings brought by the police, we know that it is not uncommon to be faced with a large volume of evidence supposedly relating to the premises, but which on close scrutiny proves on occasion not e...
Advertising applications - the law clarified (again)
The Licensing Act 2003 and number of its accompanying regulations make it a requirement that certain licensing applications be advertised – whether by notice displayed at the premises, in a locally circulated newspaper and/or on the Licensin...