'Live' from Hartlepool - Council reject adoption of EMRO

07 May

In what may prove to be a decision of far reaching significance, the Hartlepool Licensing Committee has just decided not to impose an Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order (EMRO) on the town's centre.

Representations had been received from several major operators, many of whom would not have been directly impacted, had the EMRO been adopted but who were concerned by the wider possible impact on the night time economy and the whole process generally. Leading trade organisations had also opposed the proposals.

Had the EMRO been adopted, it would have restricting sales of alcohol beyond 02.00 in the town centre area. Local operators were however encouraged to embrace and participate in 'best practice' schemes, such as Best Bar None. They will revisit the position next year to gauge the trade response to such initiatives.

This was the first occasion on which the possible adoption of an EMRO had fallen to be considered. A small number of other councils have it on a possible agenda with Blackpool due to consider whether to launch a formal consultation on 15 May.

We will comment in more detail shortly.



Law correct at the date of publication.
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