Betting & Gaming
Gambling - LCCP changes on age and identity verification come into effect on 7 May
Reminder: From Today (7 May 2019) Operators of online Gambling platforms will be required to verify a customer’s age before they can deposit money or access free-play games, and verify their name, address and date of birth before they can g...
Gambling - New National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms Launches
The Gambling Commission have now formally launched their new 3 year strategy for reducing what they define as gambling harms. The 3 year strategy is supported by its own website: The Commission describe their sole ...
Gambling - New advertising standards regarding children and young people
The Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP), which along with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) regulate advertising in the UK, has recently released new standards aimed at protecting children and young people from irresponsible advertisi...
Gambling - LCCP consultation launched
On 14th February the Gambling Commission opened a new consultation concerning proposed changes to the LCCP (Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice). The consultation will close on 9th May 2019. The proposed changed relate to the LCCP soci...
Gambling - New age verification and identity requirements
Prior to the introduction of new standards by the Gambling Commission today, online gambling businesses have been allowed 72 hours to carry out age verification checks. Operators could not permit customers to withdraw winnings until a...
Gambling - Changes to the licence conditions and codes of practice on age and identity verification for remote gambling
The Gambling Commission has now issued its consultation response following its consultation proposing changes to the licence conditions and codes of practice (LCCP) on age and identity verification for remote gambling. There are two principal cha...