Betting & Gaming

15 Dec 2017

Gambling Commission Guidance on changes to Regulatory returns published

The Gambling Commission has published guidance on the changes to regulatory returns that will be coming into effect from April 2018.  Please note this guidance is relevant to all returns due from April 2018. The Gambling Commission state as...

31 Oct 2017

Gambling - Consultation on proposals for changes to Gaming Machines and Social Responsibility Measures

Last year the Government launched a review of gaming machines and social responsibility measures which commenced with a call for evidence. This morning the DCMS published a consultation covering proposals relating to: Maximum stakes and prizes f...

25 Oct 2017

Gambling - When does gamesmanship become cheating?

The Supreme Court today delivered their judgment in the case of Ivey v Genting Casinos (UK) Ltd t/a Crockfords dismissing Mr Ivey’s appeal on the grounds that his actions were dishonest and he had attempted to cheat the Casino. Mr...

17 Oct 2017

Gambling - Industry Group for Responsible Gambling updates advertising code

The Industry Group for Responsible Gaming (IGRC) Has released an updated 3rd edition of their Code of practice for socially responsible advertising, which will come into effect this year. IGRC is made up of the five trade association, which repres...

12 Oct 2017

Gaming - Responsible Gaming Week 2017 - Starts Today!

Responsible Gambling Week starts today.  It is a national, cross-industry initiative to promote responsible gambling, running until 18th October. This is the first year of the campaign, and the theme is “Let’s Talk Abou...

26 Sep 2017

Gaming - Labour propose statutory Levy on Gambling industry

In his speech to the Party Conference today the deputy Labour Leader, Tom Watson, will propose the introduction of a statutory levy on the Gambling Industry. Currently a voluntary donation equivalent to 0.1%  of gross gambling yield is deeme...