Betting & Gaming
Gambling - Proposals for Commission fees from April 2017
Following a joint consultation carried out by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Gambling Commission, the Commission now published the responses to this consultation. These are detailed within the responses document: ...
Gambling - Commission publishes new consultation
This week the Gambling Commission launched a new consultation regarding the regulatory returns operators must submit each year. The consultation proposes changes to the information that operators will be required to provide. The changes cov...
Gambling - Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS) Consultation launched
The Gambling Commission has recently launched a consultation regarding ‘Remote gambling and software technical Standards’ (RTS) although there has been some updating in the intervening period, this represents the first full revie...
Gambling - Commission briefing note on four week Gambling participation
The Gambling Commission have issued a briefing note detailing gambling participation relating to past four week gambling participation. The “key findings” as detailed in the note are as follows: Overall past four week participat...
Gambling - Gaming machines - Government Call for Evidence
The Government has issued a “Call for Evidence” – effectively a consultation - entitled “Review of Gaming Machines and Social Responsibility Measures.” All types of Gaming Machines are to be covered by this review an...
Gambling - LCCP changes coming into force 31st October 2016
On 31st October 2016 further amendments to the Licence conditions and codes of practice (LCCP) issued by the Gambling Commission will come into force. The LCCP is a universal document covering the entire spectrum of licensed gambling businesses.&...
Gambling - Scottish and Welsh Gambling Survey results issued
The Scottish Government has published the “Scottish Health Survey 2015” and this shows that overall gambling participation in Scotland has increased slightly from 65 % in 2014 to 67.8% in 2015. However the statistics also show that pro...