Betting & Gaming

08 May 2020

Gambling - Four new Commissioners appointed to Gambling Commission.

On 30th April 2020, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport appointed 4 new Commissions to the Gambling Commission for 5 year terms. The new Commissions are Terry Babbs, Brian Bannister, Jo Hill and Sir Martin Narey. The Gambl...

29 Apr 2020

Gambling - Inquiry on problem gambling - First hearing

We have previously reported on the launch of the Public Accounts Committee inquiry on problem gambling. On Monday (27th April) the Committee questioned officials from the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and the Gambling Commissio...

24 Apr 2020

Gambling - Committee launches inquiry on problem gambling

On Monday the Public Accounts Committee launched an inquiry on problem gambling. A press release from the UK Parliament can be read here. The National Audit Office’s (NAO’s) February 2020 report ‘Gambling regulation: problem ga...

23 Apr 2020

Gambling - Consultations

Even during a pandemic the world moves forward, perhaps in a more haphazard or unpredictable manner.  The UK Gambling regulator, the Gambling Commission are currently proceeding with 2 consultations which opened on 26th February. The first c...

16 Apr 2020

Gambling - Credit card ban comes into force

As we have previously reported, the Gambling Commission and DCMS’s proposal to ban the use of credit card for gambling.   On Tuesday (14th April 2020), the ban came into force.  The ban will not apply to National Lottery tick...

30 Mar 2020

Covid 19 - What you need to know - Gambling Commission Applications

The Gambling Commission have published an update on their website about how they are working during the current lockdown. Although the Commission officers are now working from home, in line with government guidance, work is still being undertaken...