Industry News
Alcohol: mandatory licensing conditions - briefing paper issued
A House of Commons Briefing paper just issued describes the mandatory licensing conditions that apply to the sale and supply of alcohol. This is the third alcohol related paper in as many days. The Home Secretary can prescribe up to nine ma...
Scotland - Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 - further provisions coming into force
As we have previously reported, the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 made some changes to the Scottish licensing regime. See our article: 'Scotland - Air Weapon and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 - Received Royal Assent'. The Air...
Alcohol: drinking in the street - briefing paper issued
A new House of Commons Library briefing paper usefully summarises what the law says on drinking alcohol in the street. There is no general prohibition on drinking in the street but certain offences relating to alcohol may be committed in public p...
Children in pubs – briefing note issued
A new House of Commons Library Briefing Paper looks at alcohol licensing and children. The Licensing Act 2003 (of course) regulates the sale and supply of alcohol in England and Wales. The Act is underpinned by four licensing objectives. On...
Vaping law changes are coming...
On 20 May 2017 the EU Tobacco Products Directive will become fully effective as part of the Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016. From this date retailers will need to ensure that: All e-cigarettes and e-liquids must be registered with ...
Litter Strategy for England - April 2017
The Government has just published a strategy for dealing with the issues relating to litter and littering. It can be found here: 'Litter Strategy for England - April 2017' Its aims include: Sending a clear and consistent anti-litter message, by...
New Section 182 Guidance Published 2017
The Home Office has today published the latest edition of the s.182 Guidance to the Licensing Act 2003. It principally reflects a number of very recent changes to the law as brought into force by the Immigration Act 2016 (see our previous article...