Industry News
Local Alcohol Action Areas (LAAA) phase 2 announced
The Home Office has just released the list of the 33 regions comprising the second phase of the Local Alcohol Action Areas (LAAA) programme. On the 27 January the Home Office launched a new phase of the programme to tackle alcohol-related crime a...
Gambling - Licensed Premises Notification (LPN) 'to go'?
Business in Licensing (BIL) and Gambling Business Group (GBG) are proposing that the requirement for premises licence holders to notify Licensing Authorities that they wish to use their automatic entitlement of up to two gaming machines be removed...
The Soft Drinks Industry Levy
Further to our news last month on this proposed levy, a House of Commons library briefing has just been published which provides an overview of the proposed Soft Drinks Industry Levy, and a background on sugar and health. The 2016 Budget pre...
LNL - Tower Hamlets
At a Council meeting on 18th January Tower Hamlets became the latest Authority to approve a Late Night Levy (LNL) scheme. We have previously reported on the Council’s LNL consultation. The LNL which will effect premises operating betw...
Gambling - Horse Race Levy for Online Bookmakers
On 31st January 2017 the Horse Racing Levy (HRL) will be extended to include bookmakers who operate remotely (principally online) and hold the required remote operating licence (within the meaning given by the Gambling Act 2005) allowing them to t...
Scotland - and JG&P!
One week (this week) - three significant new build developments, three hearings before three different Boards – Aberdeen, East Dumbarton and Glasgow – and three different partners in attendance.