England & Wales
Cumulative Impact Policy and the Late Night Levy - changes afoot?
The Government have tabled proposed changes to the Policing and Crime Bill which impact further on licensing, particularly in terms of Cumulative Impact Policies and the Late Night Levy, if adopted. These include: Putting the possible adoption o...
Sheffield - proposed new 'Alcohol Strategy' 2016 - 2020
Sheffield City Council Cabinet is due to debate the adoption of a new Alcohol Strategy for the city at its meeting on 21 September 2016. If adopted, the strategy will run from October 2016 until October 2020. The report prepared for Cabinet...
Late Night Levy - Gloucester - Consultation now launched
Further to our news yesterday that Gloucester Council had determined to launch a formal consultation on the possible adoption of a Late Night Levy (LNL), that consultation has now been launched and will run to 7 December 2016. The consultation do...
Sale of alcohol to drunks - new poster campaign launched
The British Beer & Pub Association (BBPA) has today relaunched a poster campaign to help raise awareness and understanding of the law around serving drunks, to coincide with the Global Beer Responsibility Day. Partnering with Drinkaware...
Late Night Levy – Gloucester - update
Further to our report in March of this year, Gloucester continues to move towards the adoption of a Late Night Levy. The council have decided to continue with their consultation with a view to making a decision in January 2017. If at th...
'Consultation on aides memoire for food law enforcement officers' - 'game keepers' guides
For those of you who are operator ‘poachers’, you may be interested in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) consultation below. New guidance to help food law enforcement officers assess approved premises is under review and the FSA are see...
Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - now Weymouth?
We have previously expressed our concern at the trend of seeking to introduce breathalyser testing on entry to licensed premises – see for example our article: 'Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - a cause for concern?' We are now seeing...