England & Wales

04 Nov 2016

House of Lords Select Committee - evidence given!

Last Tuesday, partner John Gaunt appeared before the HoL Select Committee on Licensing.  Also giving evidence at the 45 minute session was Professor Roy Light and Andy Grimsey of PA. The anticipation proved rather more daunting that the sess...

27 Oct 2016

Counter-terror training 'should be part of venue licence'

The BBC is reporting that licensing laws should be changed to require entertainment venues around the UK to undergo counter-terror training. Baroness Ruth Henig apparently told the Victoria Derbyshire programme that some venues did not ...

18 Oct 2016

Government Licensing Statistics published

The Home Office has published the latest figures detailing the statistics relating to Alcohol and Late Night Refreshment. The figures cover the period 31st March 2016 and show that since 31st March 2014 the following has occurred: there were 210,...

17 Oct 2016

Upcoming APLH and ALP Courses in Sheffield

We have just released our course list for the rest of 2016, and the first half of 2017. The dates for the Award for Personal Licence Holders (APLH) that are being held in our Sheffield based training sweet are: Thu 24 November 2016 Wed 14 ...

14 Oct 2016

Surprise retirement dinner for John Saunders QC

The “great and the good” of the legal licensing community (including our own John Gaunt) gathered last night (Thursday, 13 October) to throw a surprise retirement dinner for “formidable licensing advocate” John Saunders QC,...

14 Oct 2016

National Minimum Wage Statistics

The National Minimum Wage (NMW) sets minimum hourly rates of pay and those rates (which are based on recommendations of the Low Pay Commission (LPC)) vary by age group. AS previously reported, the introduction of the ‘National Living Wage&r...