Wolverhampton implements new rules for Private Hire drivers

09 Aug

A new measure has now been adopted by Wolverhampton Council to combat ‘fake taxis’. The new rule will requires Private Hire Drivers not to display to keep livery signage on the doors of their vehicles, in an aim to prevent the impersonation of Private Hire vehicles by people printing imitation signs and operating as an illegal private hire vehicle

The Council held a consultation into the proposes measure,  which saw significant support from the trade, with responses indicating it would make Private Hire journeys safer.

Customers are reminded that Private Hire journeys must be pre-booked and to look for the local authority provided sign for licensed drivers, in the attach each passenger window.  If customers require an immediate taxi, they should look for hackney carriages (black cabs) displaying an illuminated taxi light and to check there is a valid hackney carriage licence plate on the back of the vehicle and that the driver is wearing the correct badge.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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