Scotland - Gambling: Gaming Machines

17 Jul

Last week, in our article 'Scotland - Gambling: Fixed Odds Betting Terminals' we reported that the Scottish Parliament had commenced an inquiry to consider the level of control of Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs) which could have huge repercussions upon the gambling industry in Scotland.

We would also highlight that the relevant amendments to the Bill are even more widespread affecting all gaming machines rather than just FOBTs.

To confirm amendments in the Bill are as follows:

Clause 31 - Removes "for which the maximum charge for use is more than £10"

The effect of this is that Licensing Boards would have the power to set limits on the number of gaming machines numbers regardless of stake or category. Accordingly, it is not just betting premises which would be affected but any premises operating with gaming machines.

Clause 32 - amends so the power is retrospective

The amendment would affect premises which already operate with gaming machines and not just new applications thereby affecting all premises with machines.

Clause 146 - amends so the power apply to all types of gambling licence

Again, rather than just affecting betting premises it would affect all gambling premises including bingo and casino premises as per the Smith Commission's recommendations.

Clause 163 - amendment to make "the maximum charge for use is more than £2"

This of course would only effect FOBTs as these are the only machines with a maximum charge in excess of £2 already.

Again, we would re-iterate the closing date for receipt of submissions is 17:00 on Friday 28 August 2015.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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