Scotland - Gambling Commission update of guidance

03 Nov

The Gambling Commission has published further guidance aimed at clarifying “the Role of Authorised Persons in Scotland” This is directed towards licensing authorities and Councils in North of the border.

As a reminder Authorised Persons includes police officers, and officers of licensing authorities.

Essentially the update provides clarification on two issues:

  1. Authorised persons are already operating within local authorities in Scotland by virtue of their existing powers - for example, environmental health officers authorised by local authorities will already be authorised persons. The note highlights that, “It is a matter for local authorities and Licensing Boards to consider how those officers are currently discharging their statutory functions under the Gambling Act”
  2. Authorised persons, irrespective of the basis of which they are authorised, can act with legal authority under the Gambling Act 2005.  For example, Licensing Standards Officers (LSOs) are authorised persons under the Act and can (and should) rely on the enforcement powers in the Act to regulate gambling in their area.”

The full article can be found here: 'Clarifying the role of 'authorised persons' in Scotland'.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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