Scotland - Dundee - New Overprovision

03 Jul

Following the Aldi Stores Ltd v Dundee City Licensing Board case on 12 August 2016, where the Dundee Sherriff overturned the current Alcohol Overprovision Policy, Council officers have been reviewing the Board’s options.

At their meeting on 29th June, the Board voted unanimously to adopt, a new whole board approach for Off-sales & On-Sales – excluding On/Off sales for the City, by Ward & City Centre/ Central Waterfront.  Formerly the Waterfront area has been excluded from the policy. 

This policy must now be subject to public consultation. 

If adopted, Applicants for off-sale venues, including supermarkets and convenience stores, and on sale premises (save for restaurant, cafes and hotels) would face a presumption of refusal.

In the Board’s report the reason for recommending the new policy included:

“…It is well recognised from the summary data below that Dundee is overprovided for in terms of these premises [0ff-sale and on-sale in pubs and bars]. Within Off sales, there is strong evidence that cheaper and easily accessible alcohol leads to excessive drinking in the home…”

The recommend policy and report by the Dundee City Alcohol & Drug Partnership can be viewed in the Committee papers here.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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