Possible EMRO for Barrow?

12 Mar

On Sunday 4th March Barrow Police posted the following tweet regarding a curfew for Barrow in Cumbria:

Although this does not represent the start of a formal consultation for an ‘Early Morning Restriction Order” [EMRO], the Police invited the views of locals on the proposal of a 2am curfew. 

An EMRO would prohibit the sale of alcohol after the specified time, but cannot require a premises to close earlier than the hours permitted on their licence.

EMROs, although introduced several years ago, have not become common place with many high profile rejections of the proposals having occurred such as that in Blackpool and Hartlepool.

In an interview given to the local newspaper Inspector Jim Bailey invited comments and cited potential benefits for the resourcing of Police and Health professionals arising from limiting the hours premises can retail alcohol.

A wide range of responses were received to the tweet, some of which referred back to the historic position when all premises closed simultaneously and which, in the Respondent’s opinion,  led to pressures on taxi and other services and in some cases led to flash points resulting in acts of crime and violence.

The issues are complex and the solutions are clearly not simple.

The Police have started a conversation with their Community and it will be interesting to see how it progresses, we shall keep you updated.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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