Latest News

25 Jun 2021

Restrictions on Advertising of HFSS (High Fat Salt and Sugar) Products

Yesterday the Government announced new rules on advertising unhealthy foods online and before 9pm on TV across the UK as part of the program to reduce child obesity . Regulations will come into force at the end of next year to introduce a 9p...

25 Jun 2021

Scotland - Euros - Scotland out but let the party continue

The Scottish executive has written to the Hospitality Trade Sector bodies to confirm a dispensation against the curfew times to stay open later to show European Championship matches that go to extra-time. Venues in council areas under level 2 of ...

23 Jun 2021

Covid 19 - England Guidance updates

As a result of the delay in transition to Step 4, various documents of guidance issued in the past by the Government have become slightly out of date or wrong. Updates are starting to arrive and the key ones issued so far for hospitality are as f...

18 Jun 2021

Covid 19 Funeral attendance update

Following on from this weeks announcements and the general delay to easing of restrictions a guidance document has been issued to give clarity on the dispensation afforded to funerals and other commemorative events: COVID-19: guidance for arrangi...

17 Jun 2021

Covid 19 - Rent moratorium extended

The moratorium on the enforcement of rent arrears was dure to expire at the end of the month but as the Covid restrictions are to continue we saw yesterday the government extend the ban on evictions of commercial property tenants for nine months u...

14 Jun 2021

Covid19 - Step 4 Delayed to 19th July 2021

The Prime Minister has announced this evening that Step 4 of the Roadmap for England will be delayed to the 19th July. However relaxations on caps of weddings and funerals (currently 30 persons) will be lifted (subject to social distancing measure...