Latest News

12 Feb 2015

Personal licences renewal arrangements - latest.

It is rather like watching paint dry! As previously reported, the relevant House of Lords  Committee sat on 3 and 5 February and most recently on 11 February, but did not apparently consider or comment on the proposals within the Deregulatio...

11 Feb 2015

Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - a cause for concern?

Increasingly a ‘hot' topic for discussion with news of planned introduction of breathalysers in Birmingham (where ‘more than 40 pubs have signed up'), following trials or proposals in Croydon, Norwich, Durham and Plymouth - and elsewhe...

09 Feb 2015

Gambling - LCCP Social Responsibility - Gambling Commission response following consultation.

The Gambling commission has issued two documents in relation to its Social Responsibility Review. The process started last summer and the consultation closed on 31st October last year. There have been 141 responses to the initial consultation. Th...

06 Feb 2015

Personal licences renewal arrangements - non progress?

We have previously reported that scrutiny by the House of Lords of the De-regulation Bill was due to take place on 3 February. This was of interest because within the Bill is the required legislation to remove the requirement to renew personal li...

05 Feb 2015

Gambling - New Regulations Relating to B2 Gaming Machine Charges

Regulations have been laid before Parliament on 4th February in relation to limiting the amounts individuals can pay to use B2 gaming machines other than where the machine is located in a casino. The regulations are scheduled to come into force on...

02 Feb 2015

Government 'not to lower drink driving limit in England'

Roads Minister Robert Goodwill has indicated in a statement that while tackling drink driving was a priority for the Government, "we have no plans to alter the drink-drive limit". Last year, the Scottish government lowered the legal limit for dri...