Latest News

04 Nov 2016

House of Lords Select Committee - evidence given!

Last Tuesday, partner John Gaunt appeared before the HoL Select Committee on Licensing.  Also giving evidence at the 45 minute session was Professor Roy Light and Andy Grimsey of PA. The anticipation proved rather more daunting that the sess...

02 Nov 2016

Chambers and Partners 2017 - John Gaunt & Partners accolade

Today has seen the publication of the latest edition of the Chambers Guide to the Legal Profession.  Four partners are particularly mentioned and we top the list of Band 1 firms for licensing outside London (which has a separate section).. "...

01 Nov 2016

Gambling - Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards (RTS) Consultation launched

The Gambling Commission has recently launched a consultation regarding ‘Remote gambling and software technical Standards’  (RTS) although there has been some updating in the intervening period, this represents the first full revie...

31 Oct 2016

New £1.00 coin is on its way - be aware!

As previously reported in our article 'Introduction of the new £1 coin - March 2017 - Industry Readiness Survey' - a new £1.00 12 sided bimetallic coin is planned to be introduced in March 2017. The Government is encouraging industr...

28 Oct 2016

Scotland - Liquor Licensing Statistics 2015 -16 released

Every year the Scottish Government releases liquor licensing statistics and those for 2015 -16 have just been issued and can be found here:  The figures a...

27 Oct 2016

Scotland - an 'entertaining' licensing change of note!

As we have previously reported, the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 made some changes to the Scottish licensing regime. See our article: 'Scotland - Air Weapon and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 - Received Royal Assent'. Those p...