Major change if you have TV’s In Bedroom Accommodation

10 Dec

The Motion Picture Licensing Company (MPLC) is a royalty collection society which represents the majority of the big film companies and some television companies/producers and recovers royalty fees for broadcast of productions by its members in a similar way to the collection of royalties on the playing of music in public spaces by PPL/PRS.

Since June 2016 by virtue of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988 MPLC have been actively collecting Licence fees in relation to the use of television and film content provided by their members to communal areas such as bars, lounges, gyms or reception areas.

In recent times they have stated that a Licence fee should also be paid for the use of televisions in hotel bedrooms, pub guest rooms or similar accommodation.

Representatives of the industry particularly UK Hospitality and BBPA have entered into detailed discussions on the validity of such a Licence payment, however, MPLC have stated that from January 2020 the bedroom licence fee will fall due in any event. This will be at a rate of £4.00 plus VAT per bedroom per annum as an introductory rate i.e. for those persons who make voluntary application to them for a Licence

Payment at a higher rate of £6 plus VAT will be charged to those operation who do not apply when first approached. MPLC state the uplift is to cover the additional costs involved in detection and taking action for the infringement of copyright by those operators.

The MPLC have put together an explanatory leaflet thst includes an application form, however it should be noted that many of the sector Trade Associations remain unconvinced as to the legal basis for collection of licence fees in this area and UK Hospitality and BBPA have confirmed that they intend to continue to review the legality of the licence payment demand.

Please note that live broadcast such as rolling news and live sporting events are not subject to copyright licences issued by MPLC.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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