Her Majesty the Queen’s 90th Birthday – Licensing Tips

01 Feb

2016 sees the Queen achieve her 90th Birthday, which will be a significant national event and provide an opportunity for the country to party.  We have already received our first enquiry regarding TENs for a large outdoor event  over the weekend of the 12th to 15th May. In addition, there is the Patrons lunch which is to take place on The Mall on Sunday 12th June.  On that day St James’ Park will be transformed into the largest ever ‘Street Party’. 

Not everyone will be able to attend the official Patron’s lunch but in the expectation of local participation, the Government have today released updated Guidance on the organisation of a ‘Street Party’.  The revised Guidance is to help people set up their own Patron’s lunch or street parties and is there to provide a handy check list for the organiser. It includes an assessment as to whether a licence - be it a Premises Licence or Temporary Event Notice - will be required.  

Although the potential events will be taking place in May and June, the time to act in relation to licensing is now and we would recommend that Temporary Event Notices are submitted early so as to provide plenty of time for discussion and consultation and should the proposed event be significant in size (over 499 persons), to provide sufficient time to secure a Premises Licence.

If you are looking at organising an event and have queries as to the implications of the licensing law to your proposed event, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Solicitors.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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