Government support for growth of pubs.

08 Sep

A YouGov report has been published which endeavours to offer to the on trade in sites as to the drinking patterns of the nation and how to attract drinkers back into pubs and bars.

The report indicates that currently 15% of British adults primarily drink at home and that older people are more likely to drink in the comfort of their own home.  The statistical breakdown is as follows:

  • 45% of home drinkers are over 55
  • 10% of home drinkers are 25 – 34 years of age
  • 8% of home drinkers are aged between 18 and 24

The report also identifies that the largest group of home drinkers were married women aged over 45.  The author of the report Nasra Aharchich comments that pub operates, breweries and landlords need to take a creative approach to get more punters through their doors.  Any marketing activity pubs do needs to meet the priorities of those who currently do most of their drinking at home.  A major part of this could be tailoring their offer to the often busy lifestyles of the “non pub goers".

Law correct at the date of publication.
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