Get Ready for Euro 2024 with the BBPA's Guide!

12 Jun

With the Euros starting on Friday and hopefully customers attending the pubs and bars across the country to watch the matches and cheer on England and Scotland, the BBPA have issued a very helpful guide regarding trading during this period. The guide can be found here

Euro 2024 Guidance.pdf (

It covers a range of areas including a checklist for all premises to consider on the days when the matches take place and extra points to consider when screening the matches outside.

We have reported previously on the extent of the Extending Hours Order provided by the government but there is a recap on this and its limitations.

It is now too late to apply for TEN for the first couple of matches but if you are seeing increased interest in the matches from customers or you are lucky enough to have some nice weather where you operate then TEN’s for the later games to cover of any conditions or permit licensable activity outside for external screenings can still be applied for.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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