Gambling - Lotteries - De-regulation resurrected!

30 Nov

We have previously reported on the proposed relaxation of regulation in relation to certain limited lotteries. This was to be aimed at incidental non-commercial and private lotteries. Unfortunately the Government ran out of parliamentary time to implement this no doubt due to other pressures and the general election.

This has now been resurrected by the Government in the form of the Legislative Reform (Exempt Lotteries) Order 2016 that is due to come into force on 6th April 2016.

This Order amends Schedule 11 of the Gambling Act 2005 to deregulate lotteries of particular types, in specific circumstances, and can be  summarised as follows:

  • Incidental non-commercial lotteries- To allow incidental lotteries to be held at both non-commercial and commercial events, and to allow the results of such lotteries to be announced after such an event.
  • Private lotteries- To allow private society lotteries to be also promoted for any charitable or non-commercial purpose. To remove the requirement in all private lotteries for a lottery ticket to contain certain information.

This will no doubt be a welcome de-regulation for the many organisations which can benefit.

The Order can be read here: The Legislative Reform (Exempt Lotteries) Order 2016

Law correct at the date of publication.
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