Gambling - Gaming machines - Government Call for Evidence

25 Oct

The Government has issued a “Call for Evidence” – effectively a consultation - entitled “Review of Gaming Machines and Social Responsibility Measures.”

All types of Gaming Machines are to be covered by this review and not only in relation to maximum stakes and prizes. It may be the case that one particular group of machines (the so called FOBTs) will come under particular scrutiny  but the review will also include stakes and prizes and  allocation of numbers of machines,  and measures to minimise risk of those machines that are currently authorised in pubs and similar alcohol licensed premises – Category C and D machines. 

The full consultation document on the DCMS web site can be found here but is described by the DCMS as covering the following:

  • Maximum stakes and prizes for all categories of gaming machines permitted under the Gambling Act 2005;
  • Allocations of gaming machines permitted in all licensed premises under the Gambling Act 2005; and
  • For the industry as a whole, including but not limited to gaming machines, social responsibility measures to minimise the risk of gambling related harm. This includes looking at gambling advertising to understand whether we have the right measures in place to ensure that the young and vulnerable are protected.

If you wish to respond, then if you scroll to page 24 of the report onwards this helpfully lists the questions with a space to answer.

The “Call for Evidence” closes on 4 December following which the Government will then consider the next move in this area.

We would urge all Industry representatives to respond.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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