Gambling - FOBT - Various developments

03 Mar

The House of Commons Library has published a standard note in relation to Fixed Odds Betting Terminals (FOBTs)

The document sets out, amongst other matters, that Government Policy is to consider the findings of research published in December 2014 by the Responsible Gambling Trust before making any decision on the future of B2 machines.

In the meantime, the Gaming Machine (Circumstances of Use) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/121) will come into force on 6 April 2015 and relate to the player protection measures announced in April 2014 (click here to see our earlier news

The report also sets out the major parties policy in relation to FOBTs together with recent action taken by Newham Council and the proposals in Scotland.

Labour Party policy
The Labour Party would give local authorities the power to reduce the number of FOBTs. Clive Efford, Shadow Minister for Sport, has said: "A Labour government will create a separate planning class requiring an application to the council for a change of use before it can become a betting shop. We will also explore ways that we can give council powers to retrospectively reduce the numbers of FOBT machines per betting shop where they have identified that these machines are causing harm."

Liberal Democrat policy
John Leech, the Liberal Democrat Culture, Media and Sport spokesperson, has said that his party would reduce the maximum stake on B2 machines to £2. The Liberal Democrats have also said they would give councils the power to limit the number of betting shops in their area.

Newham Council action
The Sustainable Communities Act 2007 (as amended) gives local people the opportunity to ask central government, via local government, to remove barriers that prevent them from improving the economic, social and environmental well-being of their area.

On 28 November 2014, Newham Council lodged a proposal with the Department for Communities and Local Government, demanding that the Government reduces the maximum stake on B2 machines to £2. The proposal is supported by 93 councils (31 from London and 62 others from around the country). The Government has a duty to a make decision on Newham Council's submission within a year.

Draft legislation on increased powers for the Scottish Parliament was published in January 2015. This includes a clause that would amend the 2005 Act so that Scottish Ministers would be able to vary the number of gaming machines in a betting shop on which it is possible to stake more than £10 in a single play. The power would only apply to applications for new licences (Click here for further information). 

We shall of course update you as soon as there are any developments in relation to Government Policy on FOBTs.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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