Gambling - Conditions added to Gambling Premises Licences following second underage test purchase failure

13 Feb

In 2014 East Lindsey District Council, Brighton and Hove City Council and Hastings Borough Council working together with the Gambling Commission, reviewed a number of gambling premises licences where independent gambling operators had failed to prevent an underage test purchaser for a second time.

Following their initial under age test failure the operators which included two adult gaming centre operators, a family entertainment centre and a betting shop had submitted improvement plans to their authorities, but during the re-tests the premises again failed highlighting that the measures incorporated at the premises were still not of the required standard.

The operators have now had new conditions attached to their premises licences to strengthen underage gambling controls including:

  • a requirement for the licensee to have a Think 21 or Think 25 policy a requirement for regular test purchasing to be undertaken to ensure the licensee monitors the effectiveness of their controls;
  • the use of magnetic locks to restrict access to premises;
  • the use of an infra-red beam system to alert staff to the presence of customers in age-restricted areas;
  • barriers to reduce the risk of children crossing from family entertainment centre premises into adult gaming centre premises;
  • re-positioning category D gaming machines away from entrances to adult gaming centre premises, to reduce the attraction of children to those areas; and
  • induction and refresher training for staff.

The above is a warning, especially to independent operators, who may not have in place policies which are appropriate for dealing with underage sales. In particular, all operators are also referred to the recently amended Licence Conditions & Codes of Practice ("LCCP") which are to take effect from 8th May 2015. Click here for further details in relation to the LCCP and the Social Responsibility review.

If you require any assistance in preparing or auditing your underage policies please do not hesitate to contact one of our dedicated gambling solicitors.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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