Latest News

15 Dec 2016

Rotherham Council to be 'handed back licensing powers'

It is being reported that Rotherham Council will be given back control of taxi services, although commissioners will oversee licensing decisions until 31 March 2019. Sajid Javid, the Communities Secretary, has apparently said the council had made...

13 Dec 2016

Best Bar None Sheffield 2017

John Gaunt & Partners are again proud sponsors of the Sheffield BBN awards – with the presentation awards ceremony held at Sheffield City Hall on 9th February 2017. Partner Tim Shield will be among those sifting through the finalists th...

12 Dec 2016

Liverpool City Council - Late Night Levy - update

Earlier this month we confirmed that Licensing Authority had adopted the Late Night Levy. Full details of the Levy have now been released. The Levy will commence from 1 April 2017. It will apply to all premises within Licensing Authority geogra...

12 Dec 2016

Gambling - Young People and Gambling Report released

The Gambling Commission’s Young People and Gambling Report - a newly released report - indicates that 450,000 children are gambling in England and Wales every week and also is said to show that around 9,000 of these are likely to be pro...

12 Dec 2016

Gambling - Commission facts and figures guide updated

The Gambling Commission have updated their facts and figures guide to include the latest industry statistics and the Young People and Gambling Report 2016. It is a useful ‘high level’ synopsis and can be seen here: http://www.gambling...

09 Dec 2016

HoL Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003: the Health objective and Scotland

At the suggestion of the Clerk to the Committee, we have filed some additional written evidence to the Committee on our experiences of the health objective, and how it works, in Scotland. This will shortly be uploaded to the HoL Committee web pag...