Northern Ireland - liquor licence renewals beckon


14 Jun

A reminder to operators with premises in Northern Ireland that all liquor licences fall for renewal in September 2017.  Renewals occur once every five years (last 2012) and the deadline will impact all licenced premises in Northern Ireland, including pubs, bars, restaurants, clubs etc.

The basic procedure is as follows:

  1. During the month of July in each year, notice that licences which expire on 30th September in that year are due for renewal during the month of September to be published at least once in 2 newspapers circulating throughout Northern Ireland.
  2. The clerk of petty sessions for each petty sessions district shall, not less than 6 weeks before the renewal date, cause notice of that date to be published in 2 newspapers circulating in that district.
  3. A person who intends to make an application for the renewal of a licence for any premises shall, not less than 3 weeks before the renewal date, serve notice of the application upon the clerk of petty sessions for the petty sessions district in which the premises are situated and at the same time serve a copy of the notice upon—
    1. the sub-divisional commander of the police sub-division in which the premises are situated;
    2. where the applicant resides in some other police sub-division, upon the sub-divisional commander of that sub-division;
    3. the district council for the district in which the premises are situated.
  4. The notices mentioned in paragraph 3 shall specify the kind of premises for which the renewal of the licence is sought and shall be in such form and contain such other information as may be prescribed.
  5. A person intending to object under paragraph 5 shall not less than 1 week before the renewal date,—
    1. serve upon the applicant notice of his intention to object, briefly stating his grounds for so doing;
    2. serve a copy of the notice upon the clerk of petty sessions.
  6. Before the renewal date, the applicant shall deposit the licence with the clerk of petty sessions.

Be aware…

Law correct at the date of publication.
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